

V decembri 1999 vyšlo prvé číslo anglického magazínu študentov Obchodnej akadémie v Prievidzi pod názvom A-team. Publikovanie magazínu zabezpečuje kolektív redakcie pod vedením pani profesorky PhDr. Anny Dobrotkovej. Tu uvedieme príhovor šéfredaktora, stručný obsah, niekožko ukážok a kontakty na redakciu.

Dear readers, We have decided for this magazine, because we want to know, if we can speak English so good, that we are able to cope this work and improve our English as well. We want to make it not in the mother-tongue, but in the other language, anyway in English, so that you can widen and develop your English. Our magazine "A-team" is the students' one. There are the students contributions of Commercial Academy in Prievidza. We want to publish it fot you and everybody who likes fun, humour and fashion, lives of famous people and more and more. In this issue, you can find especially something about Christmas holidays in England, America and all over the world in special enclosure. Hope we catch your eyes and yuo choose pages, which you like. If you want, write your own subscriptions and send them to us. See you in next edition.
editor-in-chief Števák Miroslav. roslav. webpark-0.1 file signature ľ š&ńÝ:text/html; charset=windows-1250–